Setting Up Subdomains

A subdomain is one way of organizing and separating content on your site. To create a subdomain, use the following steps:

Login to with your Emerson username and password to access your cPanel. Once logged in, you’ll be at the homepage of your control panel. The easiest way to navigate the panel is using the Search box in the top right panel. Click the Search box and type “subdomains” (without the quotes). Then, scroll down and click the Subdomains button on the cPanel.

Search for Subdomains using the Search box.

Choose a name for your subdomain and type it into the Subdomain box. Just like top-level domains (e.g., subdomains can only contain numbers, letters, and hyphens, and the best subdomains are simple, short, and descriptive. Once you’ve typed in a name, cPanel will automatically populate the Document root field for you. This will create a folder to contain your subdomain’s files. You’ll usually want this folder to match the name of your subdomain, so it’s easy to identify where different files live in your account. You might want to change the document root if you already have a folder in your account that has the same name as the subdomain you are trying to create, although this should be rare.

cPanel automatically generates the Document Root after you enter the Subdomain's name.

Once you’re done, click Create. If everything went well, you should see a message that your subdomain was created successfully. Your subdomain will now be available as an option for automatic installation of various software (WordPress, MediaWiki, etc). If you prefer to install web applications manually, you can do so in the document root (folder) you created in step 5.

Subdomains vs. Subdirectories

There are two primary strategies for parceling up your web space. You can create subdomains or subdirectories. Before you can understand the difference, you need to first understand what we mean when we talk about your root domain.

Root Domain

Let’s say you’ve registered a new custom domain name called Anything that is stored at this core URL is considered to be at the root of your domain. Nothing comes before or after the address. If you only want to have a single site on your web host (say a blog running WordPress), then you can set that blog up at your domain’s root. To get to your blog in this scenario, users would simply go to


As we discuss in the “What is a Subdomain?” portion of this documentation, subdomains are one option for organizing your space if you want to do something more complex than having a single site at your domain’s root. Subdomains serve two purposes: they help to organize the site from a technical perspective and they help users identify at a glance that they are in a new/different space.

As you work on your site, you’re welcome to create as many subdomains as you like and in each subdomain you can actually create a distinct website.


The alternative for organizing your space is to set up subdirectories. These function much like file folders on your computer. Instead of creating a blog at you could place it in a subdirectory called “blog” making the address

Setting up a subdirectory is really easy. You can create folders on the fly when installing applications (like WordPress) and you can also manually create them in your File Manager.

There is one particular issue you need to be aware of when using subdirectories. Let’s say you’ve installed WordPress to be your primary blog at and you’ve created a page in this WordPress blog with the URL to put pictures on. Later, you decide you want to create an image gallery site using a new application. You want to place it in a subdirectory “gallery” so that viewers can access it at However, this URL is already taken by the WordPress gallery page. If you try to create a subdirectory of the same name, you’ll get a conflict and errors. Either the existing page or the new application will need a new URL. If you choose to rename the existing page, that will break any links or bookmarks that users may have saved.

Tips & Review

  • Subdomains must be created first before you can install anything in them. However, you’re less likely to get conflicts or errors.
    • For sites, your default domain name is already itself a subdomain of This means that when you create a new subdomain of this domain, it will be of the form:
  • Subdirectories are easier to set up and can be created during the application installation process. They can, however, result in conflicts with existing pages of your site.
  • As soon as you create subdomains or subdirectories to organize your site, you need to consider how people are going to find them. If you’ve created a new primary blog at, and someone goes to just, they won’t see that new site. It is possible to set up redirects to avoid this issue. You can also always create links from pages on one subdomain of your site to another.
  • If you really just need one site, sometimes installing at the root of your domain is the easiest thing to do, at least as you’re getting started. You can always add more pieces to your territory later with either subdomains or subdirectories.

What is DNS?

Remember back before everyone had computers that fit in their pocket, how companies would ship a book full of phone numbers to your doorstep? We might have known who we were looking for, but we needed to look up phone numbers unless they were your crazy relatives that you learned to memorize. When you get your own domain name, by default it’s nothing more than a shortcut, an address, or (to fit this very imperfect analogy) a phone number. When you type a domain name into the address bar of your browser, someone has to identify it and tell it what to display. That’s where a name server comes in.

A name server is a computer, running as a server, that keeps a record of all the domain names that are associated with it and keeps track of where those domains should go. In the case of, the name server is the same computer that runs the hosting. You can peek behind the hood and see this in action by going to the 'Domains' panel of your cPanel account and clicking on 'Zone Editor', then 'Manage' next to your domain in the table.

DNS stands for Domain Name System and the name server on gives control to it to identify what should be displayed when someone types in your domain. Consider the fact that you might have one or more subdomains in your account. The name server and DNS are able to identify those subdomains and let the world wide web know that they exist and point to some files/folders on a computer somewhere.

When you signed up for a domain through the system your name servers were chosen for you. So when people type in your address, the server responds with information about your account. When you migrate an account away from one hosting platform (like and onto a new service, it will require you to change the name servers so that your domain name points to a new server with its own files and structure. It’s also possible to have subdomains that point to entirely different servers than For example, you could have a subdomain that looks to Tumblr for files.

What is a Subdomain?

Everything you place in your public folder on the server becomes available for anyone on the Web to see (assuming they know the address of your site and the files you’ve placed there). If you’re just putting up a handful of static, HTML pages which you want to make available to colleagues, friends, or family by sending them links, then keeping all of your files within this one folder may work fine. As soon as your site starts to get more complicated and targeted towards a broader audience, however, you should consider a new organization strategy.

Consider this scenario: you want to have a personal blog on your new web space, where you share pictures and short written pieces with family, friends, and colleagues. In addition, you’re working on a large research project that requires you to build a web-based repository of digital images related to your discipline. You want to use one application (say, WordPress) to manage your personal blog. For your research project, you’ve settled on another open-source application (say, Omeka). Both of these are applications that need to be installed on your web host, but you can’t just put them both at your main domain name – if you did, both sites would quickly experience conflicts and errors. You need to cordon off separate spaces for your different web “properties.”

A subdomain is one way of organizing and separating content on your site. Consider Google’s website and suite of apps.

Google’s main search engine is located at ““.

To access your Google email account, you’re directed to ““. When you view an email, draft messages, or change your email settings, your web browser is looking for that content within the part of the site indicated by the “” URL.

If you next want to access Google Drive, you’re instead directed to ““. Your documents live within the portion of the site indicated by this different URL.

The difference in the URL corresponds with which application you’re using: mail, drive, or just the main search. You can also see this at work when you use other Google applications, such as “” and ““. Each of these is a different subdomain of

As you can see the subdomains serve two purposes: they help to organize the site from a technical perspective and they help users visually identify that they are in a new/different space. As you work on your site, you’re welcome to create as many subdomains as you like, and in each subdomain you can actually create a distinct website. Keep in mind, however, that the domain name you receive when you sign up for is already itself a subdomain of This means that when you create a new subdomain of this domain, it will be of the form:

Subdomains are not the only way to organize your domain space, however. You can read more about another organization strategy in the “Subdomains vs. Subdirectories” portion of this documentation. When you’re ready, we also have additional information on how to set up subdomains.

What is Domain Mapping?

Domain mapping, simply put, is deciding where visitors should be directed when they visit various pieces of your website. Domains and subdomains can be mapped directly to folders located within your webhosting account, where you may have installed WordPress, Omeka, MediaWiki, or other web applications. Domains and subdomains can also be mapped to some third-party providers.


WordPress is an open source content management system (CMS). It was originally released as a simple blogging platform in 2003–as a fork of b2/cafelog, for those interested in the code origin–and has grown into one of the most-used CMS on the web. As of this writing, “WordPress is used by 28.7% of all the websites, that is a content management system market share of 59.5%.” (Data provided by W3Techs “Usage Statistics and Market Share of Content Management Systems for Websites, September 2017”.)

Installing WordPress

Setting up a WordPress install on your own domain can be done by following these steps:

  1. Access your cPanel ( by logging in with your Emerson username and password.
  2. Under “Applications“, click “WordPress“.
  3. You will be taken to a page with more information about the WordPress software. To begin the install click “+ Install this Application” to the right of the application title.
    Installatron view of WordPress application and install button
  4. On the next page the installer will ask for some information about this install:
    • Under “Location”, specify where to install WordPress. * For more information about these options, visit the “Subdomains vs. Subdirectories” section of this documentation.
      • To have WordPress be what users see when they go to “”, leave that as your selection under “Domain” and leave the “Directory” field blank.
      • If you’ve previously created a subdomain to use for WordPress, you can select it from the “Domain” dropdown and leave “Directory” blank.
      • You can also install WordPress in a subdirectory of your site by entering a folder name in the “Directory” field.
    • Under “Version”, we recommend to leave most of the default options, with the exception of “Automatic Update Backup”. We recommend changing this to “Do not create a backup.” You can read more about this recommendation and alternative options in the “Managing Backups” section of this documentation.
    • Under “Settings”, you will be asked to set an administrator username and password. Randomized defaults will already be entered for you, but you have the option to change these. These credentials will be different from your Emerson account, but by using your Emerson account to access your cPanel dashboard, you shouldn’t need to login separately to your WordPress blog (see “Understanding’s Accounts & Passwords” for information on how to recover this account info in the future). The other options under “Settings” allow you to change your site’s Title and Tagline as well as the administrator email address.
  5. When you’re happy with the settings you’ve chosen, click “+ Install” at the bottom of the page. The installer will take just a few moments to install WordPress and a progress bar will keep you updated. When it is complete you will see a link to your new WordPress site as well as a link to the backend, administrative dashboard for your WordPress site (this will end with /wp-admin/).
    "My Applications" in the Installatron link for access to the WordPress dashboard without logging in.

Congratulations, you’ve now installed WordPress! Now you can start customizing it with themes, plugins, and more.

Resources for configuring and using WordPress

Visit your WordPress site’s Dashboard by clicking the /wp-admin/ link in your “My Applications” list (From the cPanel: Applications > My Apps). This is where you will configure your WordPress site’s settings and add content. There is extensive documentation on using WordPress online. We’ll be linking to topics of interest in the documentation below.

First Steps with WordPress

Glossary of terms (includes advanced topics)

Appearance and Themes
Publishing Content

The primary activity that you’re likely to be doing on your WordPress site is publishing content. The content could be text you write, pictures you take, videos or audios (which may be hosted on another site), or other media that you’ve found elsewhere on the web.

Special note: Posts vs Pages

Out of the box, WordPress provides two primary content types for you two work with: posts and pages. If you read blogs or have ever written for a blog before, the concept of a post is probably a bit familiar. Posts often are content that appear on your blog in some kind of scheduled way. They usually are presented on your site in reverse-chronological order. Posts might be what you use to share your regular thoughts, reflections, or ideas about a topic. Posts make up a kind of “river” of content that you’re producing as part of your blogging activity.

Pages usually correspond to our more traditional concept of what makes up a Web site. Pages are presented outside of the “river” of content that are posts. They are more likely to stand alone and be organized according to a traditional hierarchy. Pages might be content that is less frequently updated or changed.

If you were using WordPress to build a business Web site with a lot of information content, you would probably use Pages. If you added a feature to that site where you started to advertise special events or news, you would probably use Posts.

A few other things to know about Pages vs Posts:
  • If you want your content to be accessible to your users via RSS/syndication, you’ll need to use Posts. By default, Pages do not appear in a site’s RSS feed.
  • Categories and Tags (which are used in WordPress to help you organize your content) are ONLY available on Posts. Page organization is done through customizing your site’s menus.
  • Okay this get’s a little tricky: WordPress, by default, also creates “Category Pages” and “Tag Pages” that display all the Posts in a category or tag. These are NOT related to the regular Page type.


Installing Omeka

Omeka is an open-source web application that can be used to create and display online digital collections. Developed by programmers at George Mason University, Omeka was designed to be user-friendly, both during installation and daily usage. To install Omeka, follow these steps:

1. Log-in to your cPanel ( using your Emerson username and password.

2. Click Omeka in the cPanel’s Applications section.

The Omeka button in the cPanel is circled.

3. Click Install this application in the upper-righthand corner.

The Install this Application button in Installatron is circled.

4. The next page asks for some information.

First you’ll decide where to install the site, which will determine its address. If you want to install Omeka on your main directory (the same address as your domain), you can leave the directory field empty. If you’ve created a subdomain, you can select it from the dropdown menu.

Continuing down the page: under Automatic Update Backup, select “Do not create a backup.” See Managing Backups for more information about how to create backups.

Under Settings, choose your administrator username and password for the new site. Write these down and don’t share them with anyone!

Under Advanced, leave “Automatically manage advanced settings for me” checked and the installer will create a database for you (recommended). If you’ve already created a database for this website, you can choose “Let me manage these settings” and enter the details.

Click Install to continue.

5. Omeka will take a few moments to install, and a progress bar will keep you updated. When it is complete, you will see a link to the front-end of your new Omeka site as well as a link to the back-end administrative section for your Omeka site. Click the back-end link (ending in “/admin”). Write down this address: it’s where you go to edit your site.

Log-in using the administrative username and password you chose in step 4.

The link to a newly-created site's dashboard is indicated.

6. Click Settings in your Omeka site’s top admin bar. Enter an Administrator Email and a Site Title. In the “ImageMagick Directory Path” field, enter “/usr/bin“. This will allow Omeka to properly process and display images.

The Administrator Email is the address that messages from the system (e.g. a forgotten password reminder) will be sent from. You might want to create a custom email address using these instructions, for example or, to use for this purpose.

The Site Title will appear at the top of your visitors’ browser windows.

Congratulations! Omeka is now installed and configured. Click your site’s title at top-left to visit its front-end (the part that visitors see), or use the Dashboard (vertical menu at left) to begin adding content.

Installing Plugins

There are a variety of plugins that enable additional functionality in Omeka. See all plugins available for Omeka and their descriptions.

1. Download the desired plugin from the page linked above by clicking the Download button to its right. A zip file will download.

The Plugins page for Omeka Classic.

2. Next, go to your cPanel ( Click on File Manager.

The File Manager in cPanel is circled.

3. Go to the public_html > plugins folder by clicking the + left of the public_html folder to expand it, then clicking on the revealed Plugins folder.

NOTE: If you installed Omeka in a subdirectory, you’ll need to add the subdomain to the above path. For example, if you installed Omeka in the “archive” subdirectory, the path to the Plugins folder will be public_html > archive > plugins.

The Plugins folder is circled in the File Manager.

4. Next, you will need to upload the zip file from step 1 into the Plugins folder. Click Upload in the top menu to open a new window. Click Select File to browse your computer, or drag-and-drop the file into the window.

When the upload is complete, click “Go back to home/yourdomain/public_html/plugins” at the bottom of the page to return to the File Manager. You will see that the zip file has appeared in the Plugins folder.

The uploader in File Manager.

5. Make sure the zip file is selected (it should be highlighted in blue), then click Extract from the menu at the top of the page. A small window will open up to confirm where the file will be extracted to. If you clicked Upload from the Plugins folder, it should read public_html/plugins. Leave this field as-is. Click Extract File(s).

The path and Extract File(s) button is circled.

Another pop-up window will list the extracted contents. Click the Close button.

6. The new plugin should now be available on the Plugins page, accessible by clicking Plugins in the black admin bar at top-right of your Omeka dashboard. Find it and click the Install button to its right. Your plugin is now active.

The Plugins button in the top nav bar and the Install button next to the plugin are circled.

Note: Some plugins will create a new button on the dashboard, like so. Click on their button to use them!

A newly-added Neatline button on the dashboard is circled.

Using Omeka

You can learn how to use this application in the official Omeka Support Documentation.

Or, see the next guide to learn how to use the Neatline plugin to create interactive maps!

Using a Custom Domain Name currently utilizes subdomains of for the initial signup, however after using your space you may decide you’d like to register a top-level domain. This is typically a .com, .net, .org address, though other options are available. You can do this by registering a domain with a service provider and adding it to your space as an Addon Domain.

To start you’ll need to get the domain registered. When choosing a domain we recommend keeping it all lower-case, avoiding hyphens, keeping it short, and of course it will need to be a unique address. You’ll also need to choose a service provider to register your domain with. Different providers offer different pricing models and features, so it’s a good idea to do some research about your options before you make a choice.

After ensuring the domain is available for purchase you might be prompted to select whether you’d like to protect the contact information associated with the domain. All domain registrations are required to have valid contact information publicly available worldwide, however a proxy service to protect your identity is available for an additional fee. You can read more about this service, ID Protect, at

In most cases, you’ll also be prompted to enter nameservers for the domain. You’ll want to point the nameservers to and (if those aren’t already selected) in order for the domain to work with our system.

Once you’ve completed the checkout process with payment information the domain will be registered automatically. The last step is to add it to your existing account here at To do that you’ll log into your account at and in cPanel navigate to Domains > Addon Domains.

The Addon Domains screen of the cPanel

Here you will type in the domain that you registered previously to host it within your space on cPanel will also setup a subdomain and a location for files to be saved (typically a folder inside of public_html). You can leave these with their default values.

NOTE: Creating an addon domain always results in the creation of a brand new subdomain. The subdomain field here must have a unique name that doesn’t already exist in your site’s subdomains or you’ll encounter an error.

Optionally, you can also create an additional FTP account on this screen.

Additional fields appear when you check the "Create an FTP account" box

Once you’re finished going through the options, click Add Domain. The domain will now be hosted in your account and you can use it to install software, upload files, and any number of other actions available to you in cPanel.

Pointing an addon domain to an existing application

If you previously set up an application or from-scratch website before buying a custom domain name, you can still use that custom domain name for that application/site. You still need to go through the Addon Domain process above, but there are a couple differences:

Option 1: Changing “Document Root”

While filling out the fields in “Create an Addon Domain”, change the location listed under “Document Root” to the file path for your existing site. For example, if you have a WordPress site installed at an existing subdomain, you would enter “” as the Document Root. As another example, if you have HTML files hosted in public_html/games you would enter “public_html/games” as the Document Root. You will start to get suggestions of existing directories and subdomains as you type in this field.

Option 2: Cloning your existing site

If the above option doesn’t work or you’d prefer to keep the default directory for your addon domain, you can clone your application into the new directory or copy/move your HTML files into it.

Choosing your domain name

Choosing your domain name is the first step in getting started with staking your claim on the web. Your domain name is really just a unique Web address that can be used to build out your own digital presence. When you sign up for, your domain name will, by default, be a subdomain of the form “”. Not all of the considerations below will apply while choosing this first subdomain name. If you later choose to purchase your own custom domain name, all of the following are good to keep in mind.

Your Domain Name Must Be Available: Domain names must be unique, which means in order for you to claim your own, you need to be sure that it is currently available (and not being used by any one else or any company or organization). There are lots of tools to check on domain availability, and when you sign up on, we’ll actually check the availability of your choice for you. If you’d like to spend some time thinking about your choice and checking availability before you actually sign-up, we recommend using

You Must Choose a “Top Level Domain” or TLD: The TLD is the suffix (or ending part) of your domain name. Some common ones you’ve likely seen before are: .com, .net, .org., and .edu. On, you won’t have an opportunity to change this when you first sign up. For custom domain names, you may choose which one you want to use. Note that the availability of your desired domain name may depend upon the TLD you choose. Historically, .com domains were meant for businesses and commercial entities. On the other hand, .org domains were usually used by non-profit organizations. The .net domain was meant to be used by internet service providers. All of that said, the “historic” uses of these TLDs mean very little anymore. You may find that .com domains are easier for people to remember, or you may like the “non-commercial” message of using a .org. The bottom line is that your choice of a TLD is entirely personal.

Choose a Domain You Can Live With: You should choose a domain name that you feel you can live with for quite some time. You should pick something that you won’t find embarrassing in the future. A good rule of thumb is to pick a domain that you would be comfortable putting on a future job application.

You May Wish to Include Your Name in Your Domain: There is no requirement that your domain reflect your specific identity in the form of your first and last name. However, choosing a domain name that includes your name may make it easier for you to achieve higher rankings in search engines when someone queries your real name.

Pick a Domain you Like: At the end of the day, your domain should reflect you. Pick a domain you like and are proud of. It can reflect your interests, sports you play, or your hobby. Or it could just be your name. The “right” domain for you is the one you’re comfortable with.

Signing up on

Reviewing the Guidelines

Before you get started, we recommend that you review our information about Choosing a Domain Name.

Please note: Emerson College branding should not be used in any content that you create on should not be used to publish content that in any way reflects an official position of Emerson College, its departments, organizations, etc. This tool is intended for curricular, personal, and experimental sites only. To learn about options for creating an officially branded website, please contact Web Services (


The Sign-Up Process

Once you’ve reviewed the guidelines, you can proceed to the sign-up page.

Click on the top, right hand side where it says Dashboard. homepage with menu item "Dashboard" circled.

You will be redirected to login for verification. You will use your Emerson email address and password to login. login form via Duo

Create a Free Subdomain

If this is your first time accessing, you’ll be asked to create your free subdomain. Enter in the domain name you want for your website. (*Note: your domain will look like ) When you’ve found an available subdomain, click the button labeled Click to Continue.

The registration screen, with a text box.

You will be taken to a screen where you can confirm the domain you’ve chosen and review your contact information. If you’re ready to confirm, click Register Now. Otherwise, you can Start Over or contact us for help with the sign up process.

The Review and Checkout screen, with a button to Start Over or Register Now.

After you click “Register Now,” you will be brought to the cPanel and are on your way to creating your own space!